Installed fine, but there is a major error in the code of the mod itself
// This function generates a random quote. Created by the Random Quotes modification by Marcus "Nas" Forsberg.
function randomQuote()
global $context, $txt, $modSettings;
// Have the admin written any quotes to be used, and is the mod enabled?
if (!empty($modSettings['random_quote']) && !empty($modSettings['random_quote_enable']))
// Seperate the quotes from each other.
$quotes = explode("\n", $modSettings['random_quote']);
// Number of different quotes
$num_quotes = count($quotes)-1;
// A random number
$number = mt_rand(0,$num_quotes);
// Store the stuff.
$output = '<br />
<div class="tborder" style="', !empty($modSettings['random_quote_custom_css'] ? $modSettings['random_quote_custom_css'] : 'padding: 5px;'), '">
<span style="color:', !empty($modSettings['random_quote_label_color'] ? $modSettings['random_quote_label_color'] : '#000000'), '; font-weight: bold;">
',!empty($modSettings['random_quote_label_custom'] ? parse_bbc($modSettings['random_quote_label_custom']) : $txt['random_quote_label_standard']),'
' , parse_bbc($quotes[$number]), '
$output = '';
The error says that there is a problem with a comma on THIS line
<div class="tborder" style="', !empty($modSettings['random_quote_custom_css'] ? $modSettings['random_quote_custom_css'] : 'padding: 5px;'), '">